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Transfer your credit card balance today!

If you’re carrying a balance on a credit card with a high-interest rate, paying that debt down can feel like an endless journey.  That feeling multiplies if you're repaying multiple high-interest accounts.  So, how do you regain control of your finances and solidify your plan to pay off your debt?  A credit card balance transfer might be the answer for you.


  • Planning for a Better Future – Talk to us about how you can plan to get out of debt so you’re ready to build your savings that much sooner. Consolidating credit card debt can make managing what you owe easier and less stressful. Ditch your high rate credit cards and to take advantage of a FIXED balance transfer rate as low as 3.99% for 9 months between February 15, 2024 through May 15, 2024.

Start savings time and money by completing a Balance Transfer today.  Don't have an CBI FCU credit card or need a credit limit increase to transfer balances?  We're happy to discuss your options with you.
Plus, unlike other banks, we don't charge balance transfer fees.   The process is easy, and just takes a few steps.

Apply now! 

This limited time offer will help you soar to new heights!