Thank you for your Interest
The Nominating Committee of CBI Federal Credit Union is seeking members who wish to serve their Credit Union as a member of the Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee or Credit Committee. The nominating committee will select nominees from the pool of qualified members who submit their information below for Nomination.
Nominees for any position should have experience that would help prepare them for a role as leader of a financial institution. This preparation can be through current or past business or volunteer experience, for example: understanding financial statements, setting direction and strategy and the oversight of business risk management.
To be Considered:
When running for a vacant volunteer position, nominees must be a CBI FCU member in good standing; be 18 years old or older; be bondable by the Credit Union's fidelity bond company and authorize a background check. A member is the primary account holder. Joint account holders are not eligible for nomination unless they have separate accounts on which they are the primary account holders.
The Nominating Committee will determine a candidate’s suitability for nomination by reviewing the candidate’s Application for Nomination, the candidate’s credit report, Credit Union account history, and by interviewing the candidate. The election or re-election of the committees are held each year at the Annual Meeting in March.
Among the commitments one makes by accepting a position on a committee are the following:
- To uphold the fiduciary responsibility to the membership.
- To attend and actively participate in scheduled meetings.
- To voluntarily serve without compensation.
- To attend the Credit Union’s Annual Meeting.
- To acquire and maintain the knowledge and skills necessary to perform the duties of a specific role by participating in appropriate Credit Union-related training opportunities.
- To maintain confidentiality of discussions in meetings and all matters pertaining to the Credit Union and its member that is not public knowledge.
Interested members, please submit your qualifications by completing this form.